Mrs. Hulse (Reading Specialist)

Mrs. Hulse
[email protected]

Dear Families,

The most important thing your child can do while home is to read every day. You can read to your child or they can read or reread books. Rereading books they have already read helps them as a reader too! Here are a few websites to access more books.

When your child logs in to Clever, he/she has access to hundreds of books on MyOn. He/she can also access Lexia. Try to complete one unit of Lexia each night. Lexia will help your child in spelling, vocabulary, reading, and comprehension.

Here are some more resources for books and learning:

  • TrueFlix
    (Pairing a Nonficiton book with a fiction book video on the same topic...under resources you can choose Spanishs)
    contact your child's teacher for username and password
  • Book Flix (Nonfiction Books from the True Book series...includes videos and activities) contact your child's teacher for username and password
  • PebbleGo
    (Animals, Earth and Space, Biographies, and Social Studies)
    contact your child's teacher for username and password

* Your child can research any topic on pebble go and write his or her own book. :) students can read and listen to books and practice letter and sound identification.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child's reading instruction, please email me at [email protected].